Cocina Sagrada is my playground. A nomadic experiential company that creates immersive experiences all around the world. From secret dinners to blindfolded gastronomic journeys to ecstatic celebrations of MythOS and story. Performance, art, stories and food blend into an explosion of flavor and emotion. This is where we come to be kids again. To build forts. To explore the boundary conditions of the human experience. This is where magick and awe occur. We’ve discovered ancient civilizations hidden in 200 year old fortress islands that we conquered with sail boats. We’ve shaken the foundational stories of the valley of Silicon with visions of regenerative futures. We’ve created secret societies and dissolved them before the first light of dawn. We once kicked a European prince of our own speakeasy. Natalie Portman once bit one of our members, but she apologized. We’ve brought ballet and opera to churches, theater to deserts, food to museums, music to caves, tea to temples. We are the Caravan Troubadours.